Ever Ask Yourself Why Your Prospects Do Business With Your Competitors?
Prospects Become Clients and Customers When They Trust. They Don’t Trust You Because You Lack Authority. Learn If The Science of The Authority Effect Can Transform You From A Grinder Into A Rainmaker.


There is simply no other tool that will distinguish you as an Authority among everyone else in your industry!
If selected as one of our next co-authors – You will become an Authority in 30 days
The Authority Effect Creates A Halo Of Expertise Around You
You’ve Got 8 Seconds
Ask Yourself – “What’s it costing you to continue failing to impress others?”
We’re the FedEx of publishing
When you absolutely, positively must be an authority overnight!
- We help Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Online Marketers, and Network Marketers
- Become Celebrity Authorities
- By becoming Authors
Why Success Publishing
In 2009, as the Founder and CEO of what was, at the time, the #1 most visited personal development website on the internet with customers in over 100 countries, Matt Morris decided to pursue his dream of becoming a published author.

Why Success Publishing
The Science of the “Authority Effect”
When an ordinary person becomes an Author, they transform into an instant Authority. The “Authority Effect” creates an unfair advantage, creating instant persuasion and automatic influence by quietly shouting that you’re an Expert because you’re an Author. Revered as Leaders, Authors command respect and admiration. Don’t take our word for it. Consider the scholar that wrote the book on the science of influence and persuasion. Dr. Robert Cialdini’s scientific research found specific principles that lead to influence. #3 is Authority.
What does over 200 authors in our first 18 months in business tell you about our expertise?

No one recognized my expertise

No one respected my knowledge.